
Human rights advocacy

YAPO’s strong conviction in enabling the youth as a center of transformation of communities is strong. YAPO engages youth in school and out of school to stand up for their rights and fight for the rights of those who’s rights are trampled on.

Young people make up an ever-growing portion of the world’s population and in Uganda 68% of the total population are the young people between 12 years and 23 years. As youth compose a greater share of the population, questions emerge about the role youth will play in addressing the issues relevant to their future. This question is our greatest motivation in this program.

YAPO has taken a central role in empowering youth to engage and take an active role in advocating against human rights violation with a strong belief that this will play a critical role in societal change and improving human rights in Rwenzori Region where human rights have been strongly violated.


Human rights advocacy

YAPO has continued to advocate for improve awareness and respect of children’s Rights in schools and communities in area of operation through community dialogue meetings through building youth capacities of being champions of human rights.

With the limited resources we have and support from friends we continue to build capacity, motivation and create opportunity for the youth to be the champion of human rights. The capacity we provide to the youth includes the availing knowledge, skills, change in attitudes and behaviors that youth need in order to participate effectively and the motivation is building desire or willingness of individual youth to participate, and commit to involvement or action over the longer term. With the opportunity we extend to the youth refers to creation of situation where youth can participate effectively.